A hateful message for 6'7" Ashley

ashley joerg3Ashley received this via Facebook earlier

well jorge has a tall woman fetish so what makes you want to be friends with him then? Also who are you to be begging for money from multiple sites not like you are the only one in the world with money problems and also let's be honest not like you are the only one in the world with money problems other boyfriends worth their salt would not allow that he should be taking care of that not other people. You calling me a creep you are a panhandler and as far as me saying something to you not like your weren't saying something back don't think a person is going to have something said to them and them not throw it write back. and you are so pissed off because your life is miserable and you are dying from that marfan syndrome while me Iam in good health just a knee problem and not dying so i guess you are pissed off because my life like everyone elses life is way better than yours because I tried to be nice and this is how you treat people. You were just looking for an excuse to be pissed off since you are dying from marfan syndrome and it has messed you life up.

Note: The person who wrote this has at least two fake Facebook profiles.


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