6 Brutal Truths About Beauty And Dating When You're A Taller-Than-Average Woman

Being a woman is hard. Being a woman who, in any significant way, deviates from the norm of what is considered "beautiful" or "feminine" is harder. And one of the more common deviations from the ideal of femininity is being very tall, particularly when you're not model-thin. We've all seen very tall girls hunched over, pulling awkwardly at their clothes, or generally looking hyper-aware of the fact that they're taller than most of the guys around them – and hyper-aware that most of the guys probably aren't comfortable with it.

To learn more about what beauty means to tall girls, I spoke with my friend Cara* – who, at just around 6'1", fluctuates between a 10 and 12 US dress size – about the realities of living in her body. I asked her six big questions about beauty and femininity, and got some brutal truths in response.

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