Online shopper's trousers arrive with comically long legs

Online shopper's trousers arrive with comically long legs

By Kahla Preston

There’s nothing quite like ripping open an eagerly-awaited online shopping order… only to discover it’s nothing at all like what you expected. The latest victim to this cruel, cruel phenomenon is an Edinburgh woman named Dan, who treated herself to a pair of flared trousers from retailer Pretty Little Thing. The high-waisted jersey pants looked perfectly normal on the screen, but in reality they wouldn't have been out of place in Gumby's wardrobe.


Dan tweeted a photo holding the ludicrously long garment against her body, with the waistband reaching the top of her chest. “Seriously???? do @OfficialPLT think am f---ing slenderman," she wrote. The makeup artist followed this with a photo of herself wearing the pants, their hems stretching several inches beyond her feet. 


One follower pointed out that the model in the original photo was wearing heels, but the makeup artist said it didn’t make a difference for her. “The model isn't that much taller than me, she wears a size 8 and i'm wearing a 6. i tried them with heels and they are still about 5 inches too long,” she wrote. If it’s any consolation, Dan isn’t the only online shopper who’s found herself with a pair of comically long pants.


Last month, a fellow Pretty Little Thing shopper had purchased the same design, only to discover the waistband reached just under her chin. Another woman who owned the pants responded to Dan’s tweet, explaining they still touched the floor when she wore them with platform heels. Others shared photos and videos of themselves attempting to wear and walk in similarly long trousers and jumpsuits.


Not everyone was horrified by the giraffe-like legs, however; plenty of tall women chimed in to find out where they could buy the trousers.

“I’m dying to know the actual inseam length. You may have found a unicorn for us. #tallgirlproblems,” one wrote. Pretty Little Thing responded to Dan’s tweet, suggesting their petite range might offer the solution.

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