The Health Conditions More or Less Likely to Impact Tall Women

If you are tall, you might be interested to know which health conditions you are more at risk of, and which you do not have to worry about as much. Therefore, here is a guide to some of the health issues that impact tall women, and what you can do about them.

1. Diabetes

Studies have suggested that shorter women are more likely to get diabetes than tall women, and yet the condition still affects about 1 in 10 of the US population, with 1 in 5 of those not knowing that they have it. So you should not ignore this condition simply because you believe that you might be less likely to have it. However, diabetes is manageable, and most people can live a great quality of life alongside their type 1 or 2 diabetes. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you can monitor your condition with a blood glucose meter. This can allow you to stay healthier, to know when you need to get emergency help, and to ensure that you know what your body needs at any given time, such as more sugar or an increased dose of insulin.

2. Some Cancers

There are many different factors behind your cancer risk, including your genetics, your lifestyle, and, incredibly, your height. There is some evidence to suggest that those who are tall are more likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer, kidney cancer, skin cancer, and leukemia. You should also be aware of your risk of breast cancer, which is already one of the most common cancers in younger women. So you should be aware that night sweats, a dramatic loss in weight, and lumps around your body, such as in your breasts and stomach, could be signs of cancer, and you should get these checked as soon as possible, as well as if you are more fatigued than usual and are experiencing nausea.

3. Deep Vein Thrombosis

It is also best to be aware that taller people are more susceptible to deep vein thrombosis and blood clots in their legs than shorter women. You might also be at a higher risk of deep vein thrombosis if you are pregnant, if you are bed-ridden or sit for long periods, or if you are on birth control pills. So, if you start to notice pain in your leg, warmth or redness in your leg, or swelling, you should seek professional advice immediately. Some ways to prevent DVT include going for regular walks and exercising, losing weight if you are overweight, and wearing loose clothing, especially when traveling.

4. Heart Disease

However, if you are tall, you are, fortunately, at lower risk of getting coronary heart disease, as some of the same genes that contribute to being a shorter height also increase your risk for heart disease. Whether you are tall or short, though, you can stave off heart disease by eating well and cutting out saturated fats, getting enough exercise, and by quitting smoking.

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