5'10" Pauline is competing to become Ms. Veteran America 2015

5'10" Pauline writes

I am a Veteran. I have served 3 1/2 years of active reserve duty, and am still serving in the United States Air Force Reserves. I joined the military when my 9.5 year old son, was only 2. I am grateful that I have a supportive husband, family, and friends, who make serving my country a little easier. Recently, a friend suggested that I compete for Ms. Veteran America 2015, and since I couldn't find a good enough excuse, as to why I shouldn't, I researched the competition and what I discovered was AMAZING. Ms. Veteran America isn't a pageant. It is a way to acknowledge that women veterans aren't just their uniform, but most importantly, it provides a platform to bring awareness and financial resources to support homeless veteran women and their children. It is a way for women like me, with a voice for the voiceless, to help raise money for a worthy cause.

I know what she looks like, because at one point, this was my biological mother. She had made some choices and because of the lack of rehabilitation efforts, both she and my father found themselves living in cardboard boxes in abandoned buildings. Thankfully, that is one part of her story, and today she has a remarkable testimony.

Final Salute says it right: It is "unacceptable"!! Homeless woman veteran, should not be in the same sentence. These women have served their country, protecting the very freedom, so many take for granted. No, it doesn't make sense and you have an opportunity to do something about it.

So in case you couldn't tell, I submitted my registration and am now an official Ms. Veteran 2015 contestant, and just a click away from raising money to support women, who could be your sister, friend, or mother. Please give whatever you have (no amount too small) to get these veteran women the resources they need to get back on their feet. Thank you in advance! :)

Joerg adds: Pauline was Tall Woman of the Month for November of 2008

Visit her CrowdRise Page

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