August 2007 - Stephanie, 6'1"

Stephanie's Basics

Height: 6'1''
Birthday: August 6th 1989
Location: USA

Hello!!! My name is Stephanie and I am from the United States. I am 17 and I am going 18 in August I am 6'1"!!! I love my height!!! As a kid I was a little hesitant but I then loved it!! Kids would call me giant all the time but then I would just look at them and say "Well, at least I get to ride the big rides"!

Then when I got into high school i started to feel more normal. It was hard to find a boyfriend. I dated many guys shorter than me but then I finally said no, it's time to date guys taller then me! Now I'm having the time of my life with my great height. So many people automatically think that I play basketball because of my height but I don't. I just don't have the coordination for it, haha!!! But I am on the track team. I am a thrower. I throw Javeline, Discus and Shotput.

Being tall is a great advantage and I use it well!!! I love it because I look older then I really am and people respect me for it. I tend to think that with my height it made me grow up faster. But i love it!! I love all of me!!! Thank you so much for making a website like this!!! May all the tall women and girls know that there are so many other people like them out there and that we are all here for everyone!! Dont let those little kids make fun of you keep your head up because as long as you know that you are beautiful that is all that matters!! God made you special to be that tall!!

Lots of love
The Great Giant Stephanie

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