December 2008 - Julie 6'2"

Julie's Basics

Name: Julie
Birthday: April 19th, 1966
Height: 6'2"
Location: United States

Hello there. My name is Julie.

I've been married for 18 years. We have three Children: Katherine 16, Maximilian 8, Amelia 6.

I've been in the U.S. Army for 18 years as a Combat Medic. I retired in 2007 and am currently attending college to pursue a career in nursing.

I love your website simply because it focuses on the positive. I am 6"2 and have always stood out and never quite comfortable in my own skin simply because "if you stand out and are not like the norm that people have a hard time accepting you." It also made me socially awkward and difficult pursuing friendships.

It took me a long time to come to terms with the fact that I am fine and if they have a problem with that, it has nothing to do with me. I have a beautiful, intelligent 16 year old daughter who is already 5"8" and I make it a priority to ensure that she knows what a treasure she is. If she encouters discrimination I like to show her the stories that are on your website so that she can know that she is not alone.

I met my husband when I first joined the military and he was the first person who looked at me as a person and not at my height. We have been married 18 years and have three beautiful children.

We have lived in Texas, Colorado, Germany, Alabama, New York as a family and I have been many places to include my last exciting trip to Afghanistan. Our life has allowed our children to be exposed to many cultures and tolerant and loving to all people no matter where they are from and what their heritage is.

My hope for everyone is that they embrace each others differences and always know that they can learn something from everyone they meet.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year

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