The Tall Book

arianneThe Tall Book: A Celebration of Life From On High

What is The Tall Book?

The Tall Book is 6'3" Arianne Cohen's journey around the world to unlock the mysteries at the center of talldom: why do tall people succeed professionally, financially and intellectually far more than others? Why are tall men the most successful dating and mating group on earth, while tall women have low birth rates? How do you raise a well-adjusted tall kid? And who the hell is behind those airplane seats?

In short: a bible for tall folk. The one, the only.

Where can I order it right this very minute?

Here: or here:

Who would like it?

Tall folk, tall teens, and their loved ones and partners. Just think: every tall person you know has a birthday within the next year. Plus Christmas!

How else can I support the Tall Book?

Call or visit your local bookstore and ask them to carry The Tall Book. That's how bookstores work - they only carry products that customers request. Right now, about half are carrying it.

How's the launch going?

Wildly successfully! Here is Arianne talking tall on the CBS Early Show: (also see below!)

And Publisher's Weekly gave it a great review, here:

You can see other media coverage, including People magazine's four-out-of-four star! s review last week, as well as Arianne talking with NPR, the BBC and The Wall Street Journal, on the homepage of

What are people saying about it? Is it any good?

"Given her smarts, inquisitiveness, and warm wit, I'd follow Ms. Cohen up any learning curve. With The Tall Book her assignment is personal, and richer for it. The result is a real resource for giants of all ages (and those who love them) so that we can fully appreciate the advantages and navigate the downfalls of our standing. Not since Randy Newman's "Short People" have those of us of a certain stature had a better rallying cry."
Brad Wieners, 6'7", Editor, Men's Journal

"This is a funny and lively book that belongs - quite literally - on the top shelf of American literature. One of us 'talls' will be happy to get it down for you."
Steve Rushin, 6'5", Sports Illustrated columnist and author of Road Swing

"As a 12-year-old, told to act my age and not my shoe size, I could honestly say, 'They're the same.' Arianne Cohen has written a book for everyone, like me, who grew up (and up) to be proud of their height."
Rebecca Lobo, 6'4", Olympic gold medalist basketball player and ESPN Commentator

"This book is fabulous. I am a 6'4" female, age 36. I have hated every inch of my height, until I read this book. WOW, amazing what a little bit of well written research can do to flip my world upside down. I couldn't be happier. THANK YOU for writing this. Words cannot describe the positive perspective you have given me. What a gift. This book is well written, well organized, and has great information. LOVE IT! I am the lucky one!"
Merl, reader


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