Suzanna McGee, 6'0"

suzanna1Suzanna McGee, 6'0"

Suzanna is an ex Ms. Natural Olympia bodybuilding champion, who has converted into the game of tennis at late age and passionately plays every day. Even with all her training background and fitness skills, tennis started to create pesky imbalances in her body. Suzanna was determined to stop that and started to focus on tennis specific training and injury prevention. Over the years, she has developed special and effective techniques for injury prevention.

Suzanna is certified by National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as a Performance Enhancement Specialist and Corrective Exercise Specialist.

Suzanna is passionate about teaching people everything necessary for them to become healthy, fit and pain-free. She has published several books and is a regular writer for many websites, such as Active,LIVESTRONG, Examiner, NaturalNews, and more. She was born in Europe, has two Masters in computer science, speaks 6 languages and loves to learn new things. Suzanna is available for private or group training, guest writing and public speaking. She resides with her chocolate Labrador Zuzi in Venice Beach, California.

Interested to read more about Suzanna's background? Read her bio, watch aninterview with Oscar Wegner on YouTube, or follow Suzanna on Facebook:

Visit her website

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