6'5 1/2" Kim Blacklock: Miss Tall International 2017 Pageant


I am so honored to have been crowned Miss Tall NYC 2017 on May 5, 2017, in Manhattan by the Tall Club of New York City ! I am excited and proud to be representing New York City while competing in the  Miss Tall International 2017 Pageant this July 3 - 5 during the Tall Club International Annual Convention July 3 - 9, 2017, in Portland, Oregon . I am asking for your help to be able to compete in the Miss Tall International Pageant and to send a Founding & current Board Member of Tall Club of NYC, 6'3" Nashwa Shalaby! along with me to represent tall women, our tall city, and the tall Northeast Coast, as we gather with our tall international brothers and sisters in Portland, Oregon. 

As measured by Guinness Book of World Records, I am in the category of 10th Tallest Woman in the World and the World's Tallest Female Comedian. I aim for every man, woman and child on the planet to see me, a Samoan-Celtic American female, born of the High Chiefs of Samoa, the Black Douglas of the Scots, the Red Adairs of the Irish; I am the great great great grandaughter of Margaux Constantine - a French pirate & John Marshall - 1st Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court, the only to also serve as U.S. Secretary of State. 

As a woman at  6' 5-1/2" barefoot at the beach, 6'7" in sneakers on the courts, 6'8" in cowboy boots, 6'9" in drag queen heels, 280 lbs, 11 years of college, born of free nations, chiefs, pirates, immigrants, statesmen, veterans, fisherfolk, factory workers, secretaries,  nurses and miners, couldn't we, once and for all, be rid of the idea that women are the weaker sex? 100% of humans come from women.

Join us in promoting positive facts about tall women, about all women.  In my year's reign as Miss Tall NYC 2017, I am linking with empowering movements everywhere - in schools, neighborhood groups, businesses, municipalities - in recognizing and promoting women and girls, of all shapes, colors, sizes, as the leaders and treasures that we are, while celebrating our allies of all genders, as we all hoe this row together. 

Thank you for helping me compete and hopefully bring home the crown of MissTall International 2017.

Love always,

Visit the GoFundMe page

Measured 6'5 1/2 in big cowboy boots http://www.timessquaregossip.com/2010/03/guinness-looking-for-tallest-living.html
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