April 2011 - Sarah 6'0"

Name: Sarah
Birthday: August 27th, 1983
Height: 6'0"
Location: France

Hello to all!

While growing up I remember watching the class pictures at school and being a head over everyone else. LOL. It didn't bother me when I was a kid. At 12, I was taller than my nanny (5'0") LOL


When I was a teenager, it started to bother me a little cause it was hard for me to find stylish clothes fitting me (I grew up in France and I was the tallest girl in my town), especially pants, so I ended up in dresses and skirts all the time... Even in Winter... I didn't wear heels for different reasons:

  • I was even taller and didnt want to look like a giant (and I was a bit overweight, so I was a big girl and didn't like it)
  • I couldn't find my size in the models I liked (size 11)
  • High heels were killing my feet cause all my weight was on the front of the feet, I couldnt stand them for more than an hour. And mostly sold either very high heels or flat shoes... :(


So I dressed like **** for a while, often wearing sneakers, and not being the best dressed girl in the club... It also was a problem to date guys. I like to feel comforted and protected by guys so I like them to be as tall as me, a bit taller is ideal, and strong, not all skinny, but better normally built or in shape. I stayed single for a while (a long while).

I then decided to move away (England) for a while, and I gained some confidence cause I also lost some weight, and I didn't look chubby and tall anymore. I looked tall and beautiful!

After another 2 years I moved to Florida (I have been living here for over 3 years now) and I can tell that my height is a positive point here! Everyone is SO short (from south America for most) and look at me like I'm a giant :)


What remarks do I get ?

  • Wow, you are so tall (Yeah, I know)
  • You are beautiful ! (Thank you!)
  • How tall are you ? (6'0")
  • Do you play basketball ? (Nope!)
  • Do you play any sports ? (Nope!)
  • Is your family tall ? (Stupid question! Yes, they are - dad is 6'0", sister 6'0", mom 5'10", uncle 6'7" etc ...)
  • Do you like shorter guys ? (Not really)
  • It might be hard to find a boyfriend ! (You have no idea!)
  • etc...

And it's funny cause the first thing people do when they see me, is looking at my feet! (I believe it's to see if I am wearing heels) and most of the time I wear flip flops cause I live in Florida and it's always warm here, so they are like "oh yeah, you are really tall" and if I am out with little heels, they are like "Oh yeah, you are tall but it's because you have heels...". I then answer that even without heels I'm super tall :)

I have no more issues with finding boyfriends. I like tall guys - it's a fact but I have dated some guys who were 5'9" or 5'10"... (I agree - it looked kinda ridiculous but I didn't care!)


But now I love when people look at me, cause I can feel they are mostly envious :) When I walk in the street, I walk with back and shoulders straight, head up, and smiling. I am very confident, and whenever I walk into a place, people SEE me, and pay attention... here most people remember me as "the tall French girl". LOL. I am very happy with my height now and I wouldn't like to be an inch shorter!!! I wish they would just make more fashionable clothing and shoes for us! (but thanks to your website I can now shop better!!! Thank you!!! ). And I wish my feet didn't hurt when I wear high, high heels...

To all the tall women of this world: We have been given a unique gift... and we should make something out of it! Don't be ashamed! You are tall and beautiful... And if people look at you weirdly in the street or something, just smile back at them... They aren't worth you wasting your time! 


P.S.: The first picture is with my friend Jorge (5'9" or 5'10"), the last picture was taken 2 years ago when I surprised my family at my mom's 50th birthday party in France (I just showed up out of nowhere... well, actually from Florida :) ) and everybody was happily crying! Here are my 2 sisters (weirdly the young one is as tall as me, while the oldest is only 5'7"), my Mom and myself. 

Bisous a toutes !!!

April 2011 update 

I moved back to France for the summer 2010 for vacations and see family. I met a guy I dated for a few weeks about 10 years ago. We got together and I now moved back in October 2010. We are happily living together in Southern France, and we are expecting a baby boy in September! A Happy Ending!


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