March 2011 - Chelsea 6'0"

Name: Chelsea
Birthday: December 22rd, 1983
Height: 6'0"
Location: USA

Thanks to all of you out there who have interest in, are seeking support for or have admiration for all of us tall ladies and most of all for giving me the honor of being tall women of the month! To get started, my name is Chelsea and I live south of Houston in good 'ole Texas, USA. I am living proof that everything truly is bigger in Texas. I am currently 27 years old, I am the second oldest (but tallest) of my 5 sisters and I am a very proud mother of two tall, skinny but very happy kids.

I grew up in a very rural environment and graduated from my home town with a population of only 9,800. It's easy to see how I stuck out amongst the crowd. When I got into High School and was still taller than most everyone I realized I couldn't avoid the difference in height so I wore it with pride. I always wished I was lucky enough to be taller. I still feel that 6'2" would be a much more flattering height. If I have to be tall I mine as well go all the way, right?


I got used to the names and teasing, I answered to Olive Oil because I was so tall and thin. Most girls in high school struggle with their weigh and so did I, but quite the opposite. I ate everything in sight and could never gain a pound. I never felt attractive because I was so thin and had "bird legs".

I got the usual (and still do) "do you play basketball, volleyball, are you a model, or you should have been a model". I still smile and say something like "well, if you see and scouts around, send them my way" Fortunately, being tall has lots of downfalls that end up teaching you great life lessons. For instance, people always assumed I was older and it forced me to mature much faster. I am thankful now that I have such a great perspective on things and am independent because if it. Growing up in the country, if you are the size of a man you are expected to work like one so I always had tomboyish tendencies and I am still capable of taking care of just about everything for myself. I have never been the type to let a man or anyone else do things for me because I am just as capable as they are.

The most difficult task is to find someone of equal height, or even someone that is accepting that you are much taller than them without feeling like you take away their manhood. I married someone that was 5'10" and also very thin so I have always been equal in weight, taller in height and had bigger feet than the father of my children (big feet is something you accept early on). It's amazing after 9 years people were are still surprised that we were married and so many people verbalized that they thought it was awkward.


I still find myself eyeing other tall women to see if I am taller! I don't hide or get embarrassed at the occasional attention. I wear heels most everyday and don't worry (much) about stepping back when I am significantly taller than everyone else.

I am proud to say my daughter already tells me she hopes she is as tall as me so I know I must set a good example. I hope all of you out there stand tall, stay proud and help people at the grocery store reach things from the tope shelf.

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