My 5'10" friend Pauline has written a book

The website is not online yet. I will update when applicable.

Folster Alum and Adoptee Author restores hope to children in orphans, foster care and adoption

Author Pauline Rose Moore, a passionate advocate, spreading awareness about children in the American foster care and adoption systems, is restoring hope to child fosters, adoptees, and orphans. Gabriella & Samantha’s New Mom, based on her own foster care/adoption story, gives readers a closer look into the hearts and minds of two foster sisters named Gabriella & Samantha. The reader is able to identify the girls’ emotional experiences that often accompany children who are neglected. Through the eyes of Gabriella, Moore uses her own authentic voice to assist struggling fosters, adoptees, and orphans, in knowing their feelings are not universal, and that they are not alone.

20% of her 2016 book sale profits are being donated to Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), to help foster children find good permanent homes. Pauline has also committed to funding a college scholarship to a foster child or adoptee, when the book sells more than 10,000 copies.

"I wanted to publish a book that helps foster parents, kids, adoptees, and orphans to push through and find peace in knowing they are not alone," said Moore. "As an adult foster, I know firsthand how emotional and traumatic the experience can be. These children need to have their dignity restored and one way to do that is by engaging with them and telling them that they matter and proper placement in a well researched, loving home. Care providers and Social Worker roles are critical.

"5.0 out of 5 stars I smiled when their new mom said "she loved them, as if she had had them herself"...Gabriella and Samantha's journey connects you with the experience of children in foster care. This book is a voice for those that
don't always have one…I related to Gabriella's fear of the unknown, as well as Samantha's excitement. I smiled when their new mom said "she loved them, as if she had had them herself”. I will be getting this book for all of the children in my life. The authentic depiction of the emotions of a child displaced is not often told but should be. I recommend this book for all ages…” – Khalilah Johnson, Author & Abuse Advocate, Undefeated: Broken Into Purpose

Moore is a proud Air Force Reserve Servicemember and Veteran and member of Kappa Epsilon Psi, Military Sorority, Inc. She is currently pursuing her call to ministry at the Howard University School of Divinity. Moore lives in Bowie, Maryland, with her supportive husband and their two sons.

paulines book

:D Thanks so much Joerg for sharing!! Totally Kool!!! 8)

My website will go live next week, however for now...find me on facebook:

My book can be purchased via this link:
or on Amazon.

How cool is this!!!!
Thanks Joerg! Hope you are well!! I have posted my website to purchase the book! Thank you!
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